Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tara Spencer-Nairn to play Kathy

We are very pleased to announce that Corner Gas co-star Tara Spencer-Nairn will play the role of Kathy Anderson in "Face the Sun". Recognized as one of Canada's top actresses, Tara brings a wealth of experience, and immense talent to the table. Tara has repeatedly expressed her enthusiasm for both the project, and for shooting the film on Vancouver island, and she is very much looking forward to the challenge.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A message from the Divas

The Cowichan Valley Dragon Divas salute you! We are a team of dragonboating women who have been through diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Our ages range from late forties to early seventies, however some of our members were diagnosed in their thirties. We are committed to advocating for our own health, to being fit, and to having fun.
We are proud to support the endeavours of the production team for Face the Sun, a movie that will tell some of the truths about breast cancer - that entire families are impacted by this disease, that early diagnosis is criticial, and that we are never too young to hear those heart-stopping words, 'you have breast cancer.' Thanks for your vision and determination to tell our stories.
On behalf of the Cowichan Valley Dragon Divas

Friday, December 8, 2006

BC Cancer Foundation set to endorse "Face the Sun"

In a major development this week, the BC Cancer Foundation is on the verge of announcing that it will fully endorse "Face the Sun". As the leading fundraiser for cancer research in British Columbia, the BC Cancer Foundation's blessing is critical to ensuring that the films messages of hope, courage and forgiveness are heard. Watch this blog in the days ahead for the official release, and for both key funding and casting announcements!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Some of the feedback we've gotten so far

Hello Mike,
This is wonderful that you are actually reaching out. I come from a family of " Breast Cancer Females" You might ask why?
Well: 27 Year old Sister passed away from Breast Cancer after misdiagnosis. She had just had a baby and was breast feeding and the doctors thought it was an abscess, by the time they realized what it was , it was too late.
* Mom died about 7 years after she was also wrongly diagnosed. She had no lump, but a small area of discomfort around her breast. She had a series of test that were inconclusive, and a first Biopsy also was not conclusive. She received a second biopsy that eventually gave the mass away. She did not make it.
After all these events, I decided to take the entire situation in perspective and fight back..
I have two other sisters and believe it or not, about 9 years ago, I actually forced one of them into a mammogram. That saved her life. She is a 9 year survivor thanks to prompt intervention. My advice to all women is to always ASK QUESTIONS, SEEK SECOND OPINIONS; IF YOU ARE NOT SURE ASK.
I am currently a writer and my hope is to make a difference in the lives of those who do not know. Congratulations on this step and I wish you well. If u need me to do anything, please feel free to ask.

Welcome to the "Face the Sun" blog

I thought some of you might be interested in a project I've started.

Three years ago I watched helplessly as my wife lost a close childhood friend to breast cancer after she was originally misdiagnosed, and told she was too young to get breast cancer. Diane courageously battled the illness, enduring both mainstream and alternative treatments, all the while reminding those around her of the precious nature of each day of life. In an effort to raise awareness about breast cancer, and to pay tribute to Diane, I spent the years since her passing writing a screen play which follows a young woman and family dealing with breast cancer. Through the recently formed, Sunflower Pictures, that script is now in what is referred to as the "pre-production phase". The response to the story has been very strong. In support of the film, and to coincide with October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we've launched a website that not only talks about the film, but provides women with the information they need to be properly informed about this terrible disease.

The film website is www.facethesunmovie.com Take a moment to visit the site, watch the videos, visit the linked websites and send the message to your friends reminding them of the importance of regular mammograms. Your support of this project is critical to ensuring that women of all ages understand that breast cancer isn't an illness that just affects other people. Furthermore, when "Face the Sun" is released theatrically a percentage of the net profits will be donated to breast cancer research. Let us know what you think of the website, and what you think of the project. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care.

Mike Moroz, Producer
Sunflower Pictures