Saturday, January 23, 2010

Please feel free to add your stories

One of the really humbling aspects of this project has been making contact with so many of you who have shared your courageous stories with me. They have been so inspirational, and have kept us moving forward when things were difficult. Please feel free to post your stories here for others to read, or if you're working on blogs of your own, let's get a link going both here and on the 'Face the Sun, the Movie' Facebook group. Your words can make a world of difference.

6 comments: said...
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Laurie (@Turban_Diva) said...

Thanks for this invitation! As women share there stories, it gives those who follow inspiration and resources to ease the strain of their journey.

You are welcome to visit my blog, where share my story through breast cancer, and post links to other bloggers.

I wish you the very best in this remarkable project!

Cristal said...

This movie hits close to home! Like Kathy, I was also told I was "too young" for cancer. My blog link is

Biz Bitch said...

As a former film producer (I still have my DGA status as a 1A), I am particularly interested in this project. Have you started principle photography yet? Have you considered producing a 5-minute scene from the film that you can show investors? I assume that your initial marketing will be the film festival approach unless you have a distribution deal already in hand.

I think that this is a very timely project with good potential. But I'd love to know where it stands currently on a production level.

Can you share this information?

Warmest aloha,

Kay Lorraine
Honolulu, Hawaii

MaaiS said...

Dear Mike,

Promissed you long way back to give you my story of last year when I was lucky enough to escape the breast cancer dance.
However things have changed since than, therefore a bit of silence from my side. As on my last check up after the operation in 2009 they did discover new developments and I had to go through a full breast cancer routine. So know I'm undergoing my last 10 days of radiation and started writing a blog on my full story. It is slowly getting completed due to lack of energy at current, but I would like to start sharing it. So please feel free to read my story on It is in Dutch but I've put a translate button on the right, so problem solved ;)

Warm regards,
The Netherlands

Rachel said...

a lovely mother's story - at least in abbreviated form .... Mom with a torch reaches out to breast cancer survivors